What are segments and how to use it

Learn how to use segments

This will guide you through the concept of segments and how they can be utilized within your community.

Segments allow you to create custom access groups for your community members, giving you control over which members have access to specific channels, resources, courses, and events.

This guide will show you how to create segments for different groups of members, such as cohort training programs or coaching programs. Once you have created segments, you can add members to them and use them to control access to content and channels. Segments are a powerful feature that allows you to customize access levels based on your community's needs.

How to create segments

1. Click on the Admin Panel button.

2. Click Segments on the side menu.

3. Click Create segment button on the side menu.

4. Enter the Segment name and Description and click Create new segment button.

How to manually add members to a segment

1. Click the 3 dot icon of the Segment you want to add members to, and click Add a member.

2. Search for or tick the checkbox of the members you want to add, and click Add button.

How to use segments:

  • Add members from subscriptions to segments.

    This can be done automatically by enabling the Add subscriber to segments toggle on Edit Subscription page of the Subscription plan and add single or multiple segments for every subscription.

  • User segments to create a custom access level.

    Control the access of your members to your resources with grouping them by segments. These resources are the following:

    • Channels

    • Courses

    • Library Content

    • Event

    This can be done by editing the specific resources' settings, go to the Access Level section and select By segments, and select the specific segment/s for this resources.

  • Use Segments to restrict or give access to content and resources in your community.

    When your resources' access level is by Segment, you can also restrict the access and if the Visibility Settings is set as Hidden, the members who are on that segment are the ones who will be able to see the resource

How to configure segments for resources

1. This will show you how to configure segments for Channels. Click the channel name to access the channel's settings

3. Scroll down to Access level section, click By segments and search for and select the segments for this resource

4. From the Visibility settings section, you can select from one of the settings:

  • Community - Only community members will see the channel/resource but only the segment members will be able to access it.

  • Public - All community visitors (even logged out users)/members will see the channel/resource but only the segment members will be able to access it.

  • Hidden - Only segment members will be able to see and access the channel/resource from the course list/library content list/event list.

5. Click Save button to apply the changes.

Best practices on using segments:

  • Avoid mixing and matching segments with subscription level, decide early own if segments or subscription plans work best for you when it comes to how you setup access level.

  • Don't overcomplicate or create too many segments.

  • Delete segments and consolidate segments when you can.

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