Viewing Community Analytics

Learn about community analytics

How to View Community Analytics:

1. Click the Admin Panel button.

2. Click Analytics on the side menu.

GroupApp community Analytics is divided into 5 main group:

  • Growth

    • This section displays 3 charts:

      • Total Members: Total number of members in your community.

      • New members: The number of new members who joined your community.

      • Membership Requests: The number of people who have requested to join your community.

  • Engagement

    • This section displays 3 charts:

      • Posts: The number of posts created.

      • Comments: The number of comments created.

      • Active Members: The number of unique members who visited your community.

      • DM Messages: The number of direct messages sent by members.

  • Members

    • Members Activity: Sort member activity based on community visits, posts, and comments created.

  • Content

    • This section displays 2 charts:

      • Courses: Course enrollment and completion rate.

      • Library: The total number of members who have accessed your content.

  • Device

    • Device Visits: The unique members visit by device type.


You can use this sorting options to the data on the specific date range.

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