How do storage limits work and how to find it

Learn about storage limits

What is storage limit?

Storage limit depends on your plan and all uploaded content from members and admin counts towards the storage limit.

This means that if members upload content like video, PDFs, and photos, it will count towards your storage limit. When admins upload videos, PDFs, photos, and worksheets, it also counts towards the storage limit.

Storage limits apply to any file uploaded to your community, but we don't count posts created, but we do count files attached to your post.

You have the option to embed videos or use videos hosted on Vimeo, or Wistia, to lower your storage usage.

How to find storage limit for your community?

1. Click the Admin Panel button.

2. Click Billing Details on the side menu.

3. Check the Media storage limit section for the storage limit information.

For the quick overview of the media storage limit per plan you can visit

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