Community Notification settings explained

Learn about community notification settings

This article will show how to access community settings and explain the use of every community notification settings.

How to access Community Notification settings

1. Click the Profile on the side menu.

2. Click Notification Settings on the side menu.

3. Scroll down to Community admin notifications section where you can select the notifications you want to receive as an admin.

  • New post notifications (Notify admins when a member shares a post.)

    • When selected, you will be receiving emails when a member shares a post

  • New payment notifications (Notify admins when a new payment is processed.)

    • When selected, you will be receiving emails for every processed payments

  • New member request notifications (Notify admins when a membership request is pending.)

    • When selected, you will be receiving emails for every membership request.

  • Moderated content notifications (Notify admins when content is pending moderation.)

    • When selected, you will be receiving emails for every moderated post.

5. Click Save button to apply the changes to your community admin notifications.

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