How to add content to your library

Learn what contents you can add to your library

There are the following content types you can add to your library:

  • Video

  • Audio

  • PDF

  • Embed

How to add content to your library

1. Click the Admin Panel button.

2. Click Library on the side menu.

3. Click Add New button and select the library content you want to create.

4. Enter the Content name and Brief summary, and click Next button.

5. You will be redirected to Edit Content page based on what content type you have selected earlier. Enter the following details:

  • Content title

    • This will be pre-populated by the Content title you have entered earlier and can be edited.

  • Brief summary

    • This will be pre-populated by the Brief summary you have entered earlier and can be edited, and this will be displayed on the Content Overview page.

  • Thumbnail image

    • This will be the thumbnail image for this content, and this will be displayed on the Content Overview page.

  • Upload video

    • This is for Video content type; you can add Video URL or upload video from computer, and this will be displayed on the actual content page.

  • Upload audio

    • This is for Audio content type; you can upload Audio from computer, and this will be displayed on the actual content page.

  • Upload PDF

    • This is for PDF content type; you can upload PDF from computer, and this will be displayed on the actual content page.

  • Add embed code

    • This is for Embed Code content type; you can add embed code and this will be displayed on the actual content page.

  • Description

    • You can add a short or long description/information about this content, and this will be displayed on the Content overview page under the About section and the actual content page.

  • Customize lock screen

    • When enabled, this will give you an option what to show the users who has no access to this content.

  • Access level

    • You can only select one option from this section, and this is how you control who are the people who can access the content.

  • Visibility settings

    • You can only select one option from this section, and this is how you control who are the people who can see the content from the library content list.

  • General Settings:

    • Enable discussion - When enabled, users who access the content can leave post or comment to the content.

    • Enabled moderation - When enabled, when users leavs a post on the content the post will be under review before it will be posted on the content discussion section.

    • Enable downloads - When enabled, you are giving permission to the users to download the Video/Audio/PDF from the content.

    • Require post title - When enabled, users will be required to add title if they want to add post to the content discussion section.

    • Disable comments & reactions - When enabled, users except for the admins will not be able to leave comment or react to any post from the content discussion section.

    • Require post cover image - When enabled, users will be required to add cover image if they want to add post to the content discussion section.

  • Embed URL

    • This will be the direct link for the content, and you can add a specific slug for it which should not be identical to other content you have.

Click Save button to apply and save changes.

6. To publish the content you have to click the Down icon and click Publish.

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