Event Reminders and how it works

Learn about event reminders

There are three options for Event Reminders:

  • Send RSVP Confirmation

    • Event attendees will receive email RSVP confirmation after they RSVP for the event.

  • Send reminder 1 hour before event

    • Event attendees will receive email reminder 1 hour before the event.

  • Add Event to you calendar

    • After a member have RSVP'd to an event, the user will have an option to add the event to their calendar.

How to update event reminders settings for an event

1. Click Admin panel button.

2. Click Events on the side menu.

3. Click any Event you want to update the event reminder settings.

4. Click Settings tab.

5. Tick the event reminder settings you want to apply for this event and click Save button to apply the changes.

How to add event to your calendar

When members RSVP for an event, they can now add community event reminders to the following calendar apps.

  • Google

  • Yahoo!

  • iCal

  • Outlook

Information about the event, like the time, place, and other details, will already be in their calendar event.

With this new addition to events, members will be notified about events they have RSVPed for through GroupApp and their preferred calendar app.

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