How to setup custom domain for your community

Learn to setup custom domain

How to setup CNAME Record

1. Login into your DNS provider

2. Navigate to the domain to which you would like to map a custom subdomain and add a CNAME record that points to your default GroupApp subdomain (

Cloudflare Example

Cloudflare User Note: If you are using Cloudflare for your DNS provider, make sure to disable the orange Cloud icon for your newly created CNAME record.

Below are links to popular DNS providers and their guide for setting up CNAME.

Verify CNAME Record in GroupApp

1. Next, head back into GroupApp and navigate to "Custom Domain" inside your community admin panel.

2. Enter the custom subdomain that you created a CNAME record for.

3. Click "Verify Setup," and GroupApp will verify your setup and apply the custom subdomain to your community.

The status of your custom subdomain will change from pending to active once your custom subdomain is ready to be used.  If your custom subdomain is not active within 3 to 24hrs, contact us.

Note: GroupApp's default community URL will redirect to your new custom subdomain once your custom subdomain is active.

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