How to configure pricing for Library Contents

Learn to configure pricing for contents

1. Click on the Admin Panel button.

2. Click Library on the side menu.

3. Select any Library content you want to add pricing to.

4. Click Pricing tab.

5. Click any of the Add pricing button.

6. Enter the following details.

  • Pricing Name

  • Pricing Description (not required)

  • Pricing type

    • Free

    • Paid

  • Show as

    • Default pricing

    • Hidden pricing

  • Add buyer to your community toggle

  • Add buyer to segments toggle

7. Click Save button.

7. In case of multiple pricing and the pricing you want to activate is currently hidden, you can set the default pricing by clicking the Pricing 3 dot icon and click Set as default.

8. To enable the One-time fee access level for this content, go to Details tab.

9. Go to Access level section and click the One-time fee option, click Save button.

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