Creating course lessons

Learn to create course lessons

1. Click on the Admin Panel button.

2. Click on Courses inside the admin panel.

3. Click Add New button and select Course option.

4. Enter the Course Name and the Brief Summary, click Next button.

5. You will be redirected to the Edit Course page. Click Add Section button.

6. Enter Section title and click Save.

7. Click Add lesson.

8. Enter Lesson title and click Save.

9. Click the Lesson title.

10. You will be redirected to the Edit Lesson page, where the default lesson type is 'Text'. From this page, you can select the desired lesson type for this lesson.

  • Text

  • Audio

  • Video

  • Web video

  • Embed code

  • PDF

11. After selecting the lesson type, there are other fields to be updated to customize this lesson:

  • Lesson Title

  • Upload Audio/Video/Web video/Embed code/PDF

  • Lesson Text

  • Add downloadable files

  • Lesson settings

    • Enable Discussions

    • Enable Downloads

  • Delete Lesson option

12. After completing all required fields, click Save button and x icon to return to Course Curriculum page

From here you can add multiple Sections and lessons, you can also re-arrange the section list and the lessons.

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