WordPress Single Sign-on Integration

Learn how to setup WordPress Single Sign-on Integration

In this help article, we are going to walk you through how to setup WordPress SSO using WP OAuth plugin.

1. Log in into WordPress admin panel.

2. On the left-hand menu of your WordPress admin panel, click on "Plugins"

3. On the Plugins page click "Add New" button

4. On the add plugins page by Search for plugin "WP OAuth Server (OAuth Authentication)" and Install WP OAuth Server (OAuth Authentication) plugin.

5. Now Navigate back to your GroupApp community and click on "Admin Panel" button.

6. Click on Integrations on the admin panel menu.

7. Click Single Sign-on on the tab at the top of the Integrations page.

8. On the Single Sign-on page under SSO Method select OAuth as the single Single-on method and then select WordPress (WP-OAuth) as tthe OAuth provider.

9. Next copy call redirect URL provided on the page and navigate back into WP admin panel.

10. Active the installed "WP OAuth Server (OAuth Authentication)" plugin. Once installed you will see the plugin name "OAuth Server" added to the left-hand menu of your WP admin panel. Click it.

11. Now click "Add New Client" button on the top-right hand corner of the client page.

Configuring Your WP SSO Client

Now that you are on the create client enter the following information.

1. Enter your desired client name.

2. Paste your community call back URL into the "Redirect URL" field.

3. Click "Create Client" button

4. Once you click "Create Client" button, the page will refresh and you will see client ID and Client secret auto-populated.

Configure your community SSO

Copy the generated Client ID and Client Secret and head back to your community Single Sign-on configuration page.

1. Enter provider name.

2. Enter your Client ID.

3. Enter your Client Secret.

4. Enter the URL of your WordPress site as your "WordPress URL"

5. Scroll up on the page and click "Active" and click "Save"

Activate OAuth Server on WP

Now that you have configured everything, now it's time to acitve your SSO on your WordPress site.

1. Navigate back to your WP Admin Panel. Click on "OAuth Server" and under "OAuth Server" click "Settings"

2. Enable OAuth Server by checking the box

3. Click on "Save Changes"

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