How to invite members to your community

Learn to invite members to your community

How to navigate to your invite page.

1. Click on the "Admin Panel" button

2. Click on people on the left-hand side of your admin menu, and on the people page, click on the blue “invite members” button.

  1. On the invite screen, you will have three options to select from to invite members into your community. Choose the invite method that best suits your use case.

  • Individual Invite by email

  • Bulk CSV Upload

  • Invite by link

Invite options explained:

1. Individual Invite by Email

The "Invite by Email" option allows you to invite specific individuals to join your community. Simply enter their email and full name. You can enter up to 10 email addresses using this method.

2. Bulk CSV Upload

Bulk CSV upload allows you to upload a CSV list of members to invite to your community.

Important notes for bulk CSV invites:

  • To prevent spam and abuse of our bulk CSV invite feature, you must contact support to request that it be turned on. You must also verify that you have permission to send invitations to the contacts on your CSV list.

  • After your request has been approved and bulk CSV invites have been turned on for your community, you can invite up to a maximum of 50 members per day using this method.

  • Abusing or sending spam invitations to email addresses that are not part of your email list and did not request invitations will result in the disabling of this feature for your community.

3. Invited by link

The "Invite by link" option enables you to preconfigure permissions and access for members who join your community using a specific invite link. You can use this feature to invite specific groups of members into your community, such as members of a coaching program or mastermind, students in a course cohort, or to bundle your paid course into a single subscription page.

Invite permission options

When configuring your membership invitation, you have three options available to you:

  1. Role: You can assign the role you want an invited member to have inside your community.

  2. Assign subscription: You can assign a specific membership subscription plan to an invitation. Invited members will then see this subscription plan during the sign-up process.

  3. Automatically approve members: When this option is turned on, membership requests are automatically approved as soon as users sign up for your community.

Invite access options

  1. Assign to segments: After completing the sign-up process, the invited member will be added to the community segments that you select.

  2. Add to channels: After completing the sign-up process, the invited member will be added and given access to the channel that you select.

  3. Enroll into courses: After completing the sign-up process, invited members will be automatically enrolled in the courses you select.

How to view pending email invites

Here's how to view pending membership invitations sent via bulk CSV upload or email invitations.

On the people page, click the "Pending Invitations" tab.

How to view created invite links

Here's how to find the custom community invite link that you created.

On the people page, next to the “Pending invitations” menu, click the "Invite links" menu.

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