How to create membership questionnaires

Learn to create membership questions

1. Click on "Admin Panel" button at the top of your community.

2. On the admin menu, click "Onboarding".

3. Then, click on "Membership Questions" at the top of the onboarding page.

3. Membership Questions consists of the following fields:

  • Title: Title of the questionnaire and it's required.

  • Instructions: Where you can add instructions for this questionnaire and it's optional.

  • Skip Questions: It's a toggle where you can enable or disabled the skipping of completing the quiz.

  • Questions: There are 3 types of questions

    • Checkboxes: Options can be added and member can choose multiple answers.

    • Multiple choice: Options can be added and member can choose an answer from the selection.

    • Write answer: Textbox will be provided for the user to answer the question by text.

      • All of this questions can be re-arranged and can be setup if required or not.

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