How to View Workflow History

Learn how to view the history for an executed workflow


The workflow history dashboard provides details about the workflow, including the date it ran, the steps taken, its status, and the name and email of the user who triggered it and actions to either cancel a workflow in progress or rerun a failed workflow step.

  1. Click on the admin panel button to navigate to the admin panel section

  2. Click on the ‘workflows’ menu to open the workflow dashboard

  3. Click on the ‘History’ tab to open the History dashboard

Viewing details of a single workflow execution

  1. Click on the name column or search by ‘name of the workflow’ or ‘email/name’ of the user who triggered the workflow to view the details of a single workflow execution

  2. You will open a pop-up with the chronological steps of the workflow execution

Here is a video walkthrough

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