Disconnecting your connected Stripe account

Please review the following before requesting that we disconnect your Stripe account.

We advise against disconnecting your Stripe account if you've already accepted payments or have members in your community, courses, events, etc., unless it's absolutely necessary. Please ensure to thoroughly read this article before proceeding.

Important Consideration

Before disconnecting Stripe, there are a few things to be aware of.

When you disconnect Stripe from your community, you will remove the link between GroupApp and your previously connected Stripe account.

This means any payment-related functions will break because they are in the Stripe account that got disconnected.

For example, if a member attempts to cancel their subscriptions, the attempt will encounter an error because GroupApp can't communicate with the disconnected Stripe. This will be the case for almost any payment-related action.

This will also apply to pricing options, subscriptions, and event payments that were created before disconnecting your Stripe account.

To avoid these issues, you'll need to:

  1. Remove all members in your community, which will cancel their subscription plans.

  2. Delete all subscription plans.

  3. Delete all course, library, and event pricing options in your community.

  4. Contact us at support@group.app to disconnect your Stripe account.

  5. Connect your new Stripe account.

  6. Recreate your subscription plans.

  7. Recreate your events, courses, and library content pricing options.

  8. Have your previous paying members sign up again.

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