What happens with a members subscription plan fails

Learn what happens when members subscription plan fails

When a member's subscription plan fails, it depends on your stripe settings if there will be multiple retries before canceling the member's subscription.

How to check your failed subscription settings in Stripe

1. Click the Settings icon on the top right menu and click Subscriptions and Emails under the Billing section.

2. Go to the Manage failed payments section and customize your retry schedule and subscription status when all retries for a payment fail.

From here, you can set the number of retries before canceling the member's subscription or add a custom retry schedule for failed payments. You can also set the subscription status when all retries for the payment have failed.


Once Stripe has canceled a subscription for a community member, the member will no longer be able to access the community unless he or she resubscribes to the membership plan.

What will the member see in the community when they stop paying or their account is canceled?

Members whose accounts were canceled and stopped paying their accounts will only see the plan subscription page and will not be able to access the community unless they re-subscribe to another plan.

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